Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The US Open and Graciousness

It's not often that one is ecstatic about finding temporary work, but I was more than excited that I had been given a chance to work this year at the US Open. The one I am talking about is the USGA event which will feature both the men and women competing at Old #2 at Pinehurst. This so happens to be the first time one location has been selected to host both championships. It's also my first employment since earning my Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice from Fayetteville State University. Before being given the opportunity I had tried unsuccessfully to find jobs that would be more permanent in nature. This opportunity comes from Andy Frain Services, a company that has been providing security for sports and entertainment since 1924 at Wrigley Field. No matter what happens or comes out of working for them, I look at this opportunity as a gateway to better things and feel gracious that they hired me to work one week (pending other scenarios).

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